Cartridge Web (hereinafter called “CW”) properly handles personal information (Information which can identify an individual) which may collect through questionnaire format or e-mail in CW’s website (https://www.cartridgeweb.com - hereinafter refer to as “CW’s Website”) in accordance with the policy stated below. Provided that CW is not responsible for any privacy practices of third parties’website which link CW’s with CW’s website.
Collection of Personal Information
Whenever CW asks for personal information, CW in advance notifies you the purposes of its collection, usage and contact information. You are not obliged to provide that information. However, should you reject providing us with these information, you may not be able to use certain services from CW’s website.
Protection of Personal Information
CW uses strict and strong security measures to protect the personal information from unauthorized access, loss, dissemination, and even improper alteration.
Use of Personal Information
CW does not use the Personal Information provided to CW for any other purpose than those in advance notified to individuals. In the event CW desires to use the Personal Information for the additional purposes not notified to individuals, CW will notify each individual of such additional purposes in advance. Any individual may refuse CW's use of his/her own Personal Information for such additional purposes. CW may statistically analyze CW's Web Side but Personal Information will not be contained nor used in such analysis.
Disclosure of Personal Information
CW does not disclose your personal information to any other third party, except for the following event, when:
- You agree that your personal information can be disclosed
- CW, under notification to the individual of the purpose, is required to disclose the personal information to the third party who entered into a non-disclosure agreement with CW
- An inquiry to CW is responded by our affiliates or distributors
- The disclosure of the personal information is required under laws and/or regulations.
Use of cookies
Cookies refer to small packets of data transmitted from web server to browsers of individuals which may be stored on the disks of individuals as a file. Cookies will not be able to identify users’ personal information, but only their computers.
CW may use cookies in order to provide better services by customizing website suitable for each individual’s purposes. In addition, should you unable cookies session on your website, you may not be able to use certain services from CW’s website.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
CW complies with laws, regulations and other rules applicable to the protection of Personal Information provided to CW.
Copyright and Trademark Information
Copyright ©2010 General Plastic Industrial Co., Ltd.
Cartridge Web & Crystal Wizard are the registered trademarks of General Plastic Industrial Co., Ltd.

All brand names and trademarks are for descriptive purposes only and are properties of their respective owners.